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What's so sexy about seaweed?

Contrary to popular belief, seaweeds have many sexy properties

When you think about seaweed, you probably don’t think about something cool, or funky, or... sexy. But why not? Seaweed is so much more than the wrap around your sushi. There are at least 2000 (!) different kinds of seaweeds, some of which have extraordinary properties.  So let’s dive a little deeper into this matter, and sea how seaweed can turn you on:

It’s big

When it comes to size, seaweeds are always bigger than their friends in the ocean. To estblish whether a marine vegetable is a seaweed or not, you can use the following rule of thumb:  can I grab it with my hands? If so, then it’s a seaweed. If it slips away, then you’re dealing with micro (=small) algae. That’s why seaweeds are referred to as macro(=large) algae. There are seaweeds that can grow over 200 feet in lenght. Now that’s huge!

Dried Undaria pinnatifida (more commonly known as wakame) can swell up to 10x its original size when soaked in water.

It can swell

Most seaweeds that are sold in the supermarket, are dried seaweeds. These vegetables can be kept for 3 years, without loss of nutritional value. Impressive, huh? But even more impressive is their swelling capacity. Some dried seaweeds can grow 10 x their own size when you cook them. However, in order to do that, they first have to get wet: The fibers in the dried seaweeds will then fill up with water, resulting into a swollen piece of vegetable. Bon appetite!

It likes to rock

Seaweeds are among the fastest growing plants on this planet. However, to become world champions in gaining bioamss, they need a few things:  First, the seabottom must be rocky, so they can hold themselves and stay in place. And second of all, they need some serious currents or waves every now and then. Why? Because this wild water will make them ‘dance’ towards the nutrients in the water that they need for optimal growth. So you can truly say that seaweeds like to rock the ocean floor!

The seaweed in this picture is Macrocystis pyrifera, also known as Giant Kelp. It can grow up to 200 feet, and still it likes to rock!

So as you can see, there’s a lot about seaweed that actually makes it quite… well sexy. But the story doesn’t end here. There is so much more about seaweed thay you probably would like to know. For example, did you know you can make seaweed taste like bacon? More about that in next week’s newsletter…

Sea you later!


Your seaweedman


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